Week 12: Networking & Communication

About 📓

  • Group assignment: Compare as many tool options as possible

  • Individual assignment: Write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made

  • Process ✏️

    Check out my deployed Heroku Site Here!

    My goal for this week was to deploy a site that takes in a CSV file from my microctrontoller. Additionally, I want to use the OpenAI API to provide motivational feedback to users after a workout. Whether you just set a PR or you couldn't end the workout soon enough, I wanted to create a site that provides "words of wisdom" or motivation for athletes.
    I used python to visualize the data.
    Additionally, I looked into a variety of applications in this process. I wanted to use the OpenAI API because I think it is versatile, and can meet all my chat bot needs. I also looked into Vercel, Microsoft Azure, Power Apps, DigitalOcean, and Linode.

    Basic Set Up & UI

    First, I wanted to get my OpenAI development account set up.


    API Configuration

    Once I got that up & running, I wanted to get my basic functionality & UI set up. While building my Flask app, I created app.py, with pages index.html, upload.html, success.html, and styles.css. This was my first time working this Heroku, and I needed to be sure to include Procfile with web: gunicorn app:app.


    A look into my code

    Here's a peak into my dev enviorment (all available in the .zip file below.) I used Python & Flask. The Flask documentation was super helpful in bringing this to life



    I REALLY struggled to connect the Chat GPT API. I had my secret key, but there were a variety of resasons why it didn't connect. Sometimes I would view the ChatGPT generation locally, and not deployed. heroku logs --tail ended up being my hero in actually disecting the issue.


    UI Progress & Evolution

    Once I got the hang of the dev layout, I was able to play with my styling. This was the fun part! I'm a biggg emoji fan & love purple... so obviouslly I had to add a personal touch!
    Some basic touchers to the spacing & color had a big imapct


    Final Flow

    Alas! My final flow. I intend to build upon this for my final project, but I'm really proud that I was able to actually use the OpenAI API and deploy!

    Photo Photo

    Reflection 🤔

    This was a really fun project!! Now I'm HOOKED on making this platform more robust. Anytime I implemented a feature, I was eager to go to the next. As mentioned, I'm excited to build on this platform for my final project. I want people to feel great after finishing a workout, whether it was a personal best or the worst run of your life.

    Project Resources 🔗

    Sara's Site

    Zip File

    Heroku Git Link