Welcome to Week 6
Electronics Production
For this week we had to take our designs from last week and bring them to life. After a lot of back and forth fixing issues from last week I was finally able to tackle production. I exported my PCB from Fusion and uploaded it to the mill. My board was single sided and one layer so the mill set up was relatively straightforward. I didn't run into any issues milling the board which was nice.
The mill and board:

Next I was going to need to sotter the components onto the board (something I have never done and was kinda terrified to do). It was touch and go for a bit but after a while I got the hang of it. That of course was until I accidentally ripped up a strip of copper and ruined the entire board. I essentially had to start from scratch and after over 10 hours invested, I found myself out of time and sitting in EDS with a broken PCB. So the plan is to try again but unfortunately it may have to be after class on Wednesday so this won't be up to date when I originally planned.
The tragedy: