Spiral Learning Log 1102

Please refer to final 1.0 for the first iteration of my final project idea


a phone case that runs away






1. move away when you try to reach for it

2. be activatable/deactivatable for certain periods

3. turn away upon hitting a wall

4. sound an alarm to help locate it when needed

some initial designs

a waste waste waste waste

Spiral Learning Log 1122

i made a second attempt at the input device assignment while working on the final project. Since my final project requires distance sensing, I tested the VL53L1X Time-of-Flight (ToF) distance sensor


This sensor provides fast and accurate ranging up to 4 meters. It operates by measuring the time of flight of invisible, eye-safe laser pulses to determine absolute distances, regardless of ambient lighting conditions or target characteristics such as color, shape, or texture (though these factors can affect the maximum range).

to better understand the sensor, I followed an online tutorial

first i tested on a bread board

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it worked well, the serial monitor started showing various numbers as i pointed the sensor towards different objects

then i added an oled

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then i made a PCB, again, which i will do it everytime i mill my PCB, shoutout to TA LEO's bitrunner

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however, i think my soldering was off, the OLED turned on but the TOF sensor was not working properly :(

Spiral Learning Log 1126

i started working on one of the most important systems of the project—the motors and wheels. TA Leo suggested using Omni-wheels, so i followed an online tutorial to understand how the motors and wheels work. I began with an Arduino board, as it is easier to get started with. I plan to transition to the RP2040 PICO W for further development

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Spiral Learning Log 1130

lasercut the bed and 3d printed the frames for motors

Spiral Learning Log 1203

move from Arduino UNO to Raspberry Pi Pico

Spiral Learning Log 1204

test the connection between time of flight and Raspberry Pi Pico

Spiral Learning Log 1206

vl53l1x from Pololu does not have a library for Raspberry Pi Pico W, i am thinking about switcihing to UltraSonic Sensor HC-SR04

Spiral Learning Log 1211

schedule for next a couple of days:

1213 - 1. test out 2 motor drivers for omni wheel, 2. program the omni wheel system, 3. try multiple ultrasonic sensor on the same board

1214 / 1215 - integrate the motor drivers and ultrasonic sensors together, refine the system