import numpy as np from numpy import * from scipy import interpolate import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import animation # PENDULUM 2 # g = 9.81 # A = 0.01 # w = 2.*pi*5 # l = 0.15 # PENDULUM 3 # g = 9.81 # A = 0.02 # w = 2.*pi*10 # l = 0.15 g = 9.81 A = 0.1 w = 2.*pi*10 l = 0.15 # ODE: # l*ddtheta + (g + ddz)*sin(theta) = 0 # # x1 = theta # x2 = dtheta # # dx1 = x2 ( = dtheta) # dx2 = -(g+A*sin(w*t))*sin(x1)/l ( = ddtheta) # # f(x1,x2) = [dx1, dx2] def f(x1,x2): global g, A, w, l return [x2, -((g-A*pow(w,2)*sin(w*t))*sin(x1))/l] # return [x2,-(g*sin(x1))/l] # RK4: # k1 = h*f(x,y(x)) # k2 = h*f(x+h/2,y(x)+k1/2) # k3 = h*f(x+h/2,y(x)+k2/2) # k4 = h*f(x+h,y(x)+k3) # y(x + h) = y(x) + k1/6 + k2/3 + k3/3 + k4/6 h = 0.005 hlast = h desired_error = 1e-10 [x1, x2] = [pi-0.0001, 0] # t = arange(0,10*pi,h) t = 0 tmax = 10.*pi tt = [] xx1 = [] xx2 = [] zz = [] while (t < tmax): dError = 1 while (dError > 0): # full step: k1 = h*array(f(x1,x2)) k2 = h*array(f(x1+k1[0]/2.,x2+k1[1]/2.)) k3 = h*array(f(x1+k2[0]/2.,x2+k2[1]/2.)) k4 = h*array(f(x1+k3[0],x2+k3[1])) [x1f, x2f] = [x1, x2] + k1/6. + k2/3. + k3/3. + k4/6. # two half steps: k1 = h/2.*array(f(x1,x2)) k2 = h/2.*array(f(x1+k1[0]/2.,x2+k1[1]/2.)) k3 = h/2.*array(f(x1+k2[0]/2.,x2+k2[1]/2.)) k4 = h/2.*array(f(x1+k3[0],x2+k3[1])) [x1h, x2h] = [x1, x2] + k1/6. + k2/3. + k3/3. + k4/6. k1 = h/2.*array(f(x1h,x2h)) k2 = h/2.*array(f(x1h+k1[0]/2.,x2h+k1[1]/2.)) k3 = h/2.*array(f(x1h+k2[0]/2.,x2h+k2[1]/2.)) k4 = h/2.*array(f(x1h+k3[0],x2h+k3[1])) [x1h, x2h] = [x1h, x2h] + k1/6. + k2/3. + k3/3. + k4/6. # update step size error_estimate = x1f-x1h dError = (error_estimate-desired_error) if (dError > 0): h = h*0.76 hlast = h print("Error too large... Redo'ing step") elif (dError < 0): hlast = h h = h*1.02 print("Expanding step size") print("t %.3f \t eE %.3e \t dE %.3e \t h %.3e" %(t,error_estimate,dError,h)) t += hlast tt.append(t) [x1, x2] = [x1f, x2f] xx1.append(x1) xx2.append(x2) z = A*sin(w*t) zz.append(z) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(tt,xx1) # plt.plot(tt,zz) # Resample the datapoints in linear time k = linspace(0,tmax,3000) theta = interp(k,tt,xx1) height = interp(k,tt,zz) xs = [] ys = [] # First set up the figure, the axis, and the plot element we want to animate fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111,xlim=(-0.5, 0.5), ylim=(-0.5, 0.5)) frame = plt.gca() frame.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) frame.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.set_frame_on(False) point, = ax.plot([], [],'b.',markersize=50.0) line, = ax.plot([],[],lw=2) platform, = ax.plot([],[],'k',lw=5) trace, = ax.plot([],[],color='0.3',lw=1) # initialization function: plot the background of each frame def init(): point.set_data([], []) platform.set_data([],[]) line.set_data([],[]) return line, point, platform, # animation function. This is called sequentially def animate(i): global theta, height, l, xs, ys x = l*cos(theta[i]-pi/2.) y = l*sin(theta[i]-pi/2.) xs.append(x) ys.append(y+height[i]) platform.set_data([-0.1, 0.1], [height[i], height[i]]) line.set_data([0,x], [height[i],height[i]+y]) point.set_data([x], [height[i]+y]) trace.set_data([xs],[ys]) return line, point, platform, trace # call the animator. blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed. anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=500, interval=20, blit=True) # this is how you save your animation to file: #'pendulum4.gif', writer='imagemagick', fps=30)