This video has been really useful: Notes from this week
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Generate 100 points x uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, and let y = 2+3x+ζ, where ζ is a Gaussian random variable with a standard deviation of 0.5. Use an SVD to fit y = a + bx to this data set, finding a and b. Evaluate the errors in a and b
import numpy as np
import random
def generate_datasets(eq):
x = np.random.random_sample(size=100)
vfunc = np.vectorize(eq)
y = vfunc(x)
return x,y
def one_over(w):
out = np.zeros(len(w))
for i in range(len(w)):
if w[i] == 0:
out[i] = 0
out[i] = 1/w[i]
return out
# ewhat is this?IDK
def generate_A(x):
A = L.copy()
for i in range(100):
A = np.matrix(A)
return A
def generate_svd(A, N, M, y):
# Given a y, and an transformaiton a, what is the x?
# Here, you want to find the betas that will transform x into y
# finding the egienvector ot the transformation matrix
# to get the exact parameters for the fitting model.
U, w_origin, V = np.linalg.svd(A)
w = np.matrix(np.append(np.diag(one_over(w_origin)), np.zeros([M, N-M]),1))
y = np.matrix(y).T
x= V.T*w*U.T*y
return x, w_origin, U, V
def problem_one(x, y):
N = 100
M = 2
A = generate_A(x)
x_svd, w_origin, U, V = generate_svd(A, N, M, y)
print("a = ") # These are the parameters.
print("b =")
print(x_svd[1, 0])
error_a = 0
error_b = 0
for i in range(len(V)):
error_a += (np.asarray(V)[0,i]**2)/(np.asarray(w_origin)[0]**2)
error_b += (np.asarray(V)[1,i]**2)/(np.asarray(w_origin)[1]**2)
error_a = pow(0.25*error_a, 0.5)
error_b = pow(0.25*error_b, 0.5) # 0.25 = 0.5^2
print("error for a")
print("error for b")
print("Bootstrap sampling")
# If we didn't have an error model, we looka t teh observatiosn y to see the error
# in the data
#Here, resample y becasue that is the output.
strap_x = [x[np.floor(np.random.rand(100)*len(x)).astype(int)] for i in range(100)]
strap_y = [np.array(y)[np.floor(np.random.rand(100)*len(y)).astype(int)] for i in range(100)]
# now for each x and y, you want to fit it and get back the x and y, and find the
# mean and std of that.
resample_a =[]
resample_b = []
for i in range(100):
A = generate_A(strap_x[i])
x_svd, w_origin, U, V = generate_svd(A, N, M, strap_y[i])
mean_a = np.mean(resample_a)
std_a = np.std(resample_a)
mean_b = np.mean(resample_b)
std_b = np.std(resample_b)
print("For a")
print("By bootstrapping, the mean is")
print("The standard deviation is")
print("For b")
print("By bootstrapping, the mean is")
print("The standard deviation is")
# Independent sampling is similar to bootstrap except you generate
# the x and y randomly each time before ou fit and lok at the mean
# and standard deviation
Error metric - can be statistical or model-based based on the data points.
Levensten algorithm solves the following:
Nonlinear Least Squares Minimization
Jacobian - d(x,y)/d(u,v)
[ dx/du. dx/dv
dy/du dy/dv ]
Hessian matrix -
[ d^2f/dxx d^2f/dxdy
d^2f/dydx d^2f/dyy]
To calculate the con
The Levenberg algorithm is able to know by how much you should go down
iteratively and when to swithc between the Gauss and Newton by usingthe curvature
How this algorithm works:
The intiial function
a_new = a_old - STEP* deriv(X^2)
To get STEP, compute the Hessian, Jacobian, etc. and do levensten
Plug in and calculate X^2 and see if it improves.
If the step improves the error, λ is decreased (Newton’s method is best near a minimum),
and if the step increases the error then λ is increased (gradient descent is better).
Here, do incremental changes in lambda.
The lambda in teh function switches the equaiton from gradient to
def gen_jacob(x,a):
j = zeros(2)
j[0] = cos(a[0]*x+a[1])
j[1] = x*cos(a[0]*x+a[1])
return j
def calculate_M(x, a, stepsize):
h = zeros([2,2])
h[0][0] = -sin(a[0]*x+a[1]) * (1+ stepsize)
h[1][0] = -x*sin(a[0]*x+a[1])
h[0][1] = -x*sin(a[0]*x+a[1])
h[1][1] = -x**2*sin(a[0]*x+a[1])* (1+ stepsize)
return (1/2)*h
def gen_chi_error(a, y, eq, std, j):
def eq_to_fit(x, a):
return np.sin(a+(b*x))
return sum( ((y-eq_to_fit(x, a[j]))**2)/std) # standard dev of the data
def gen_deriv_chi(x, y, a):
def eq_to_fit(x, a):
return np.sin(a+(b*x))
del_chisq = -2*sum((y-eq_to_fit(x,a[j]))/((eq_to_fit(x,a[j])-y)**2)*gen_jacob(x,a))
return del_chisq
def param_update(curr_a, x,y, stepsize ):
M = calculate_M(x, curr_a, stepsize)
delta_chi = generate_deriv_chi(x, y,curr_a)
delta_a = -1*np.inverse(M) * delta_chi
return delta_a
def converge(prev_chi, next_chi, stepsize, lambda_improve, lambda_worsened):
if (abs(next_chi - prev_chi) < 0.00001):
return None
elif (next_chi < prev_chi):
return lambda_improve(stepsize)
elif (prev_chi < next_chi):
return lambda_worsened(stepsize)
def levenberg():
eta = random.gauss(mu=0.5,sigma=0.1)
eq = lambda t : np.sin(2 + (3*t))+ eta
x, y = generate_datasets(eq)
curr_a = np.array([1,1]) # seed = 1, 1
stepsize = 10 # big
for i in range(100):
prev_chi = gen_chi_error(x,y, curr_a, 0.1)
delta_a = param_update(prev_a,x, y, stepsize)
curr_a = curr_a + delta_a # update step
curr_chi = gen_chi_error(x,y, curr_a, 0.1)
stepsize = converge(prev_chi, curr_chi)
yprime = []
if (stepsize) == False:
for i in range(len(x)-converged):
return yprime # These are the estimated points of the form y = ax+b
eta = random.gauss(mu=0.5,sigma=0.5)
eq = lambda t: 2+(3*t)+eta
x, y = generate_datasets(eq)
x_fin = np.reshape(x, (-1, 1))
y_fin =y.tolist()