[MAS.865](../../) > [Additive Manufacturing](../) > SLA
## Digital Light Processing/LCD
DLP uses a digital projector or screen to flash a single image of each layer across the entire platform at once. Because the projector is a digital screen, the image of each layer is composed of square pixels, resulting in a layer formed from small rectangular bricks called voxels.
#### Ligh Source
- DLP Projector (near UV)
- UV LCD "projector"
- LCD screen(DayLight Resin Required)
#### Pixelization
#### Comparison to Laser SLA printer
DLP vs Laser SLA (speed, less moving parts, anti-aliasing to remove pixelizaion)
#### Fun Things to do with Desktop SLA/DLP/LCD printer
(smoothness, watertightness, UV exposure)
shiny transparent objects (clear coating, soak in epoxy, soak in resin.
Designers like me waste same amount hour of the printing trying to make them clear,
Not Fun experiments)
fluid channel (drainage problem)
single-line lithopane black resin 1 layer on acrylic board
Expose pre sensitize pcb (
if you want to live longer don't try it: Chemical Lamination that will resolve in water after UV exposure, rest of the lamination act like protective film during etching process. Soak it in Ferric Chloride and uncovered part will be etched. Ingestion of ferric chloridecan result in serious morbidity and mortality. )
Inverted SLA comes with its own set of limitations. Due to the peel forces affecting the print when it’s separated from the surface of the tank, the build volume is limited, and larger support structures are required to keep the part attached to the build platform. Peel forces also limit the use of more flexible materials—Shore hardness below ~70A, because the support structures become flexible as well.
Print Orientation (show and tell)
#### Other SLA laser/DLP/LCD Machines:
DLP (usually near-UV projector):
UV light Source + LCD (DIY)
Daylight-Sensitive Resin Required (Hard to work with):
#### Why not DLP/LCD
Why Laser SLA: Better Surface finish? We just like formlabs better
Why CLIP : No more peeling
Why Multi-Photon: Overcome the limit of Rayleigh criterion. Based on the limitation of optical diffraction, generation of Airy Pattern. IR have larger wavelength so less diffraction, Multi-photon technique require much higher photon density to triger TPA(two-photon absorption) to achieve polymerization