<br> [MAS.865](../../index.html) > [Motion](../../motion) > Voice Coil Actuators ## Linear motors #### High speed, large travel --- A linear motor is simply an unrolled rotary motor. As such, there are many types. ![unroll](rotary-to-linear-motor-unrolled.jpg) ### Linear synchronous motors The video below explains some basic concepts for a 3 phase linear synchronous motor (perhaps the most common type). [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://img.youtube.com/vi/0_QBl6-_jJU/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_QBl6-_jJU) ### Comparison to linear actuator In contrast to a linear actuator (I know, the names are confusing...) like the one shown below, linear motors will move faster and with less backlash, but with potentially less force. Linear actuators have a transmission element (usually a belt or leadscrew) that turn a rotary motor's output into a linear movement. ![leadscrew-linear-actuator](leadscrew-linear-actuator.jpg ) The video below shows a comparison between linear actuators and linear motors: [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://img.youtube.com/vi/XlLoEWoQ7sI/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlLoEWoQ7sI) The form factor shown above with magnets and backiron on the stator and coils and backiron on the rotor is fairly common. Another form factor is the <a href='http://www.nipponpulse.com/catalog/document/51c4719fa5ce2_lsm.pdf'>"linear shaft motor"</a>, which (as the name suggests) moves a shaft back and forth. ### Linear induction motors: efficiency at high speed (+ levitation) Induction type motors can (and often are) made linear. The advantages include no coils or magnets on the rotor -- just a conductive plate! If designed correctly, linear induction motors can levitate the rotor, making very low friction bearings possible. In fact, <a href='http://web.mit.edu/mopg/www/papers/MITHyperloop_FinalReport_2017_public.pdf'>MIT's hyperloop team took advantage of this in their prototype to create an electrodynamic suspension without any additional infrastructure on the track</a>. <a href='http://drivesncontrols.com/news/fullstory.php/aid/4068/Linear_motors_will_drive_Musk_92s_1,220km_h_Hyperloop_system.html'>More here</a>. [![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://img.youtube.com/vi/bJD5d2-b5ZI/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJD5d2-b5ZI) ### Linear stepper motors: open loop precision Linear versions of stepper motors can also be made, for most of the same advantages as stepper motors in the rotary case. Most notably, open-loop precision and direct drive. The image below shows a hybrid linear stepper schematic. ![stepper](linear-stepper.gif) ### How to use linear motors in your projects Linear motors are expensive to buy! Mostly I think this has to do with not being commoditized like their rotary coutnerparts. But, linear motors are relatively easy to make (perhaps easier than rotary motors?). ![stepper](https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/calischs/kiri-tww/raw/master/img/winding-core.jpg) ![stepper](https://gitlab.cba.mit.edu/calischs/kiri-tww/raw/master/img/wound-cores.jpg) <video controls src="linear-motor-testing-3-small.mp4" width="640"></video>