// Alexandre Kaspar #define PWM0_ENABLED 1 #include int dbgPin = A5; /** * Sine table to avoid computing sine in IRQ */ #define SEQ_LENGTH 256 static uint16_t sine256[SEQ_LENGTH]; /** * Chirp function * s(t) = sin(2pi f(t) f) * f(t) = f0 + (f1-f0) t * * => s(t) = sin(2pi (f0 + (f1-f0)t) t ) */ typedef struct Chirp { // frequency information const uint16_t f_start; const uint16_t f_end; const uint16_t f_delta; const uint32_t f_clock; // dds information const double ref_clk; const double n_samples; const double ref_period; volatile unsigned long phaccu; volatile unsigned long tuning_word; // pwm cycle information const uint16_t cycle_period; volatile uint16_t cycle_duty; const uint16_t cycles_per_chirp; // duration information const uint32_t duration_on; const uint32_t duration_off; const uint32_t duration; // internal volatile long start_us; Chirp(uint16_t f0, uint16_t f1, uint32_t dur, uint32_t fc, double mea_clk = 0) : f_start(f0), f_end(f1), f_delta(f1 - f0), f_clock(fc), // freq ref_clk(mea_clk ? mea_clk : fc / SEQ_LENGTH / 2), // dds reference clock, defaults to 31250Hz for 16MHz clock n_samples(pow(2, 32)), ref_period(1e6/ref_clk), // dds samples cycle_period(SEQ_LENGTH), cycle_duty(0), // pwm cycles_per_chirp(ceil(double(dur) / ref_clk)), duration_on(dur), duration_off(dur), // duration duration(duration_on + duration_off) { tuning_word = n_samples * f0 / ref_clk; } inline uint8_t prescaler() const { switch(f_clock){ case 16000000: return PWM_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_DIV_1; case 8000000: return PWM_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_DIV_2; case 4000000: return PWM_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_DIV_4; case 2000000: return PWM_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_DIV_8; case 1000000: return PWM_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_DIV_16; case 500000: return PWM_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_DIV_32; case 125000: return PWM_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_DIV_128; case 250000: default: return PWM_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_DIV_64; } } } chirp_t; // chirp instance chirp_t chirp(500, 2500, 1e6, 16000000, 30920); extern "C" { // takes ~13us to ~32us void PWM0_IRQHandler(void){ // check the event is a period end NRF_GPIO->OUTSET = 1 << A1; NRF_GPIO->OUT ^= 1 << A3; if(NRF_PWM0->EVENTS_PWMPERIODEND != 0){ NRF_PWM0->EVENTS_PWMPERIODEND = 0; // clear interrupt // time information static unsigned long chirp_counter = 1; // local time double dt = chirp_counter * chirp.ref_period; // chirp on/off if(dt < chirp.duration_on){ // ~32us // compute current linear frequency double f = chirp.f_start + chirp.f_delta * dt / chirp.duration_on; // 32bits phase accumulator // chirp.tuning_word = n_samples * f0 / ref_clk; // chirp.phaccu += chirp.tuning_word; unsigned long tuning_word = chirp.n_samples * f / chirp.ref_clk; chirp.phaccu += tuning_word; // /!\ do not assign directly tuning_word expression // chirp.phaccu += chirp.n_samples * f / chirp.ref_clk; // this does not work! // the compiler messes up the type conversion !!! // frequency debug static uint8_t last_idx = 0; // use most significant 8 bits as frequency information uint8_t sine_idx = chirp.phaccu >> 24; if(sine_idx < last_idx){ NRF_GPIO->OUT ^= 1 << A2; // toggle to get period / frequency } last_idx = sine_idx; // update duty cycle from sine table chirp.cycle_duty = sine256[sine_idx]; } else { // 13us // out of chirp long current = micros(); if(current + chirp.ref_period / 2 >= chirp.start_us + chirp.duration){ // we should restart chirp on next iteration chirp.phaccu = 0; chirp.start_us = current; chirp_counter = -1; // will be overflowed to 0 // debug signal NRF_GPIO->OUT ^= 1 << A4; } // off-chirp chirp.cycle_duty = 0 | (1 << 15); } // update DMA NRF_PWM0->TASKS_SEQSTART[0] = 1; // update local time ++chirp_counter; } NRF_GPIO->OUTCLR = 1 << A1; } } void init_sinetable(){ // compute sine table uint16_t sine_mid = SEQ_LENGTH / 2 - 1; for(int i = 0; i < SEQ_LENGTH; ++i){ sine256[i] = round(sine_mid + sine_mid * sin(2 * M_PI * i / SEQ_LENGTH)); } } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief The setup function runs once when reset the board */ /**************************************************************************/ void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(dbgPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(dbgPin, LOW); Serial.println("Generating sine table"); init_sinetable(); Serial.println("Chirp info:"); #define CHIRP_INFO(name) {Serial.print("- " #name ": "); Serial.println(chirp.name);} { CHIRP_INFO(f_start); CHIRP_INFO(f_end); CHIRP_INFO(f_delta); CHIRP_INFO(f_clock); CHIRP_INFO(ref_clk); CHIRP_INFO(n_samples); CHIRP_INFO(ref_period); CHIRP_INFO(cycle_period); CHIRP_INFO(cycles_per_chirp); CHIRP_INFO(duration_on); CHIRP_INFO(duration_off); CHIRP_INFO(duration); CHIRP_INFO(tuning_word); } Serial.println("Initializing GPIO"); NRF_GPIO->DIRSET = 1 << A1; // IRQ timing (to check sanity) NRF_GPIO->DIRSET = 1 << A2; // phase 8-bit overflow (to measure frequency) NRF_GPIO->DIRSET = 1 << A3; // real pwm frequency (to tune reference frequency) NRF_GPIO->DIRSET = 1 << A4; // chirp duration Serial.println("Initializing PWM"); NRF_PWM0->PSEL.OUT[0] = (A0 << PWM_PSEL_OUT_PIN_Pos) | (PWM_PSEL_OUT_CONNECT_Connected << PWM_PSEL_OUT_CONNECT_Pos); NRF_PWM0->ENABLE = (PWM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Enabled << PWM_ENABLE_ENABLE_Pos); NRF_PWM0->MODE = (PWM_MODE_UPDOWN_UpAndDown << PWM_MODE_UPDOWN_Pos); Serial.print("Prescaler: "); Serial.println(chirp.prescaler()); NRF_PWM0->PRESCALER = (chirp.prescaler() << PWM_PRESCALER_PRESCALER_Pos); NRF_PWM0->COUNTERTOP = (chirp.cycle_period << PWM_COUNTERTOP_COUNTERTOP_Pos); //1 msec NRF_PWM0->LOOP = (PWM_LOOP_CNT_Disabled << PWM_LOOP_CNT_Pos); NRF_PWM0->DECODER = (PWM_DECODER_LOAD_Common << PWM_DECODER_LOAD_Pos) | (PWM_DECODER_MODE_RefreshCount << PWM_DECODER_MODE_Pos); NRF_PWM0->SEQ[0].PTR = ((uint32_t)(&chirp.cycle_duty) << PWM_SEQ_PTR_PTR_Pos); NRF_PWM0->SEQ[0].CNT = (1 << PWM_SEQ_CNT_CNT_Pos); NRF_PWM0->SEQ[0].REFRESH = 0; NRF_PWM0->SEQ[0].ENDDELAY = 0; // set second sequence to null NRF_PWM0->SEQ[1].PTR = 0; NRF_PWM0->SEQ[1].CNT = 0; NRF_PWM0->SEQ[1].REFRESH = 0; NRF_PWM0->SEQ[1].ENDDELAY = 0; Serial.println("Initializing events"); NRF_PWM0->EVENTS_PWMPERIODEND = 0; NRF_PWM0->INTENSET = (PWM_INTENSET_PWMPERIODEND_Enabled << PWM_INTENSET_PWMPERIODEND_Pos); Serial.println("Initializing IRQ"); NVIC_SetPriority(PWM0_IRQn, 0); //low priority NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(PWM0_IRQn); NVIC_EnableIRQ(PWM0_IRQn); Serial.println("Starting chirp"); chirp.start_us = micros(); // send task NRF_PWM0->TASKS_SEQSTART[0] = 1; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief The loop function runs over and over again forever */ /**************************************************************************/ void loop() { // CHIRP_INFO(tuning_word); }