How to Make Something that Makes (almost) Anything | S21 | Review

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3D SCanning Review, worked with Quentin and Sandy

Joon worked on mechanical sensiong and active sensing part.

3D Scanning Processes

Laser measurement technolgoy
  • Structured Light Scanning

  • Light Stage

  • Reflection Confocal Microscopy
    • Confocal microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy(CLSM), or Laser Confocal Scanning Microscopy(LCSM)
    • Applications: life science, semiconductor inspection and materials science.
    • Laser source(RGB), Beam spliter, Pinholes(hole diameter?), Lens, Pinhole(size?), photo muliplier tube(extremely sensitive detectors of lights)
    • XY: Rotates mirror, beam spliter to capture lights from specific XY location. Z: only allow lights comming from focal plane -> 3 motors?
    • Introduction to Confocal Microscopy (3min)
    • Software : rebuild muiltiple layered images into 3D object(how?)
    • Avoid photobleaching by not using UV light
    • Drawbacks: slow and low lisght efficiency (Spining disk confocal)

  • Photogrammetry

  • Computed Tomography(CT scanning)

  • Synthetic aperture

  • Simultaneous Localization And Mapping(SLAM)

  • Machines/Vender/Techonolgies
    Intel® RealSense™ DepthCamera
    Leica, Faro, Trimble, LiDAR(light detection and ranging) , David(HP), Artec,

    Smarphone apps: Trino, Qlone, Heges, Scandy Pro

    DIY Projects
    DIY Laser Scanning Microscope (LSM), DIY X-ray CT scanner controlled by an Arduino - scanned chicken

    2 / 25 / 2021

    I want to participate in reviewing 3D scanning and explore some questions that I had when dealing with 3D scanning and point cloud data.

    some questions that I have :