
Week 06 - machine prototype

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tape macro placement >

compared to earlier placement tests, tuned z to be more into the substrate (resulting in a morer reliable grip) and made sure to also apply force to substrate itself, creating aligned tiles. necessary for connecting tiles to loaded macro substrate as well.

loaded macro (h-substrate) placement >

loaded macro substrate performed nearly on par with tape macro placement, observed that some tiles didn’t quite seat properly and may result in interference w/ neighboring tiles. despite seating failure, forces involved do not appear to damage connectors, which makes it easier to run continuous tests w/o fear of damaging substrate.

some improvements can likely be made to vision pipeline for better rotational correction, Shravika suggested trays that deliberately rotate to stress test the system. good candidate for cadquery.

deltaxy marshmallow manipulator >

some advanced manipulator prototyping at my cohort retreat, credit to Ilan Moyer for the original delta xy design, and Nathan Perry for suggesting the marshmallow implementation:

lumenpnp fixturing >

tiles >

ordered some new macro tiles (4x4, 4x8, 8x8) and new resistor tile (1206_vert). new macro tiles feature no border, which enable them to tile just like the 1x1 tiles. new resistor tile features integrated power on one of the terminals, and can be rotate 180 deg to connect to vcc or gnd.

new tiles - batch 2 >

old tiles - batch 1 >

h geometry improvements >

h geometry needs improvement, noticing a couple of issues:

media >

dice hierarchy >

thinking about the atomic levels of DICE currently:

in a sense, for purposes of risc-v serv computer, molecules might be the smallest unit required, and maybe not atoms

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