Week 09 - system development
group page // repo source files // objectives
- recap - discrete assembly
- updates
- error correction and hierarchy
- changelog
- geometry - tiles and connectors, in-house vs out-source
- tiles - o_power, 4h derived geometry w/ dedicated power
- connectors - h, eye of the needle geometry (h_eon)
- h_eon v1.0 -> v1.1
- circuits
- connector in a day
- tooling - idc compliant pin connector forming tool
- component - gripper end effector
recap - discrete assembly >
I’m working w/ Erik on a machine that discretely assembles a (10,000 tile) computer (RISC-V SERV CPU).
updates >
machine placement >
3-layer structure using fabricated IDC >
ct scan of fabricated IDC >
error correction and hierarchy >
block error correction >
going from 10 to 10,000 tiles, statistically it seems very likely that there will be non-zero tile placement errors. I’m planning to build in error correction systems and unit tests along the way, but it’s likely we’ll need coarser levels of error correction (block level error correction) and easy replacement at the block level.
this is one of the major functions for the macro-tiles, and why I’ve designed them to adhere strictly to the 10mm cell grid size, so they can be placed next to each other.
top, tiles building up to 4x4xh sandwich between macro-tiles, in red and blue; bottom, block-sandwiches neatly packed next to each other and height-wise too
tile error correction >
during assembly testing, I’ve gotten great results, in the best case 14/16 or 15/16 successful placements using a soldered connector substrate.
However, I’ve also observed interesting errors, all recoverable to some degree. one very interesting error started with an incomplete place, which somehow jumped the tile out and shorted 4 adjacent cells. importantly, subsequent placements were successful and the machine recovered w/o damage to the connectors, yet this particular error would coincidentally short the power and ground pins, as the tile fits in between cells and successfully connects that way.
changelog >
- tiles
- batch 004 - (4) routing tiles, for additional circuit routing flexibility
- batch 003 - (12) computer vision test tiles, for supply chain and assembly registration
- batch 002 - (4) resistor v2, 3 tesselating macro tiles
- batch 001 - (7) initial 6 tiles, 1 macro tile
- connectors
- connector v1.1 - fixed the eye-of-the-needle geometry, fixed seating issue
- pcbway capabilities non-viable for connectors
- cannot laser/mill h_eon as is; 0.5mm is smallest feature size
- can 3d print out of aluminum, some tolerance and resolution issues, and feels brittle
- end effector development
- tile gripper prototype
- tile vacuum end-effector
- connector compliant gripper prototype
- connector stapler concept
- connector and tooling
- IDC 0.1 form tooling for compliant contact
- ring oscillator
- Shravika implemented a ring oscillator
- I’ve been working on shrinking circuits to fit 4x4 form factor, noting some routing limitations with the current tiles
- discrete electronics hierarchy, error correction
- 3-layer powered structure
- definition of structure hierarchy (tiles vs macro-tiles vs blocks)
- errors at tile placement, error at block level
geometry - tiles and connectors, in-house vs out-source >
tiles - o_power, 4h derived geometry w/ dedicated power >
ordered some new macro tiles (4x4, 4x8, 8x8) and new resistor tile (1206_vert). new macro tiles feature no border, which enable them to tile just like the 1x1 tiles. new resistor tile features integrated power on one of the terminals, and can be rotate 180 deg to connect to vcc or gnd.
new tiles - batch 2 >
old tiles - batch 1 >
connectors - h, eye of the needle geometry (h_eon) >
under economical and tolerance constraints, pcbway and other pcb houses are perfectly suited for outsourcing tiles to.
pcbway and like seem to be good for connectors as well, especially for queuing post processes like electropolishing and electroplating; in-house procedures would require a whole additonal setup, replicating beaker chemistries that are common in industry.
however, recent experiments with outsourcing connectors to pcbway have shown that there is a 0.5mm feature limit (both clearance and width), which makes it impossible to fabricate the connectors as is. this is in addition to the cost, which is relatively high compared to sourcing sheet metal for the fablight (though perhaps, post-processing included would make the costs somewhat comparable).
as the in-house connectors are “good enough” as-is, it seems that fabricating in-house is still the way to go. production as we shrink to smaller size-scales will become an even more interesting challenge; we’ll likely need to leverage mit.nano more heavily to achieve scale production.
a neat aside, pcbway can’t laser cut down to that resolution but can 3d print the same file; the resolution does suffer and may be tunable for the process, but the aluminum is quite brittle so not certain if it would actually produce good connectors.
h_eon v1.0 -> v1.1 >
left, v1.0; right, v1.1
the new geometry solves two major problems that improve reliability of assembled geometries:
- the eye-of-the-needle (eon) geometry was previously compromised and plastically deformed after repeated cycles because the oval was cut-off; the new geometry has a whole oval that is also above the joining strut, so the compliant pin behaves compliantly
- the tie-bar previously joined the body above the mating plane. on manual singulation, there would be a stub left over that could interfere with proper seating; the new version has an indent such that the stub left over is recessed
circuits >
ring oscillator - Shravika’s design, 4x4 concept design and 3d implementation >
Shravika Pendyala (my UROP) implemented a ring oscillator application circuit and has it working; found the resonance frequency to be ~2MHz. These FETs are being used for the SERV cpu. Packaging parasitics could be improved from these baseline measurements.
3-layer 4x4 concept design for compressing the ring oscillator from 8x8 to 4x4.
A demonstration structure for 3d placement (a 3-layer powered structure):
connector in a day >
tooling - idc compliant pin connector forming tool >
3-layer structure using fabricated IDC >
ct scan of fabricated IDC >
the IDC connector geometry requires forming contacts to create compliant pins that can wipe against a mated connector to form an electrical connection.
to achieve this, several stages must be aligned and mated. tool stackup, top to bottom:
- toolBacker - constrains toolTop within toolHolder
- toolHolder - holds toolTop
- toolTop - designed with form geometry to fit compliant pin profile
- topClamp - clamps down on leadframe from top
- botClamp - other mating half of the clamp and includes pins for registration, also holds toolBot
- toolBot - mates against toolTop to form the leadframe
- mud - modular unit die, botClamp is installed using screws and can be swapped out; (term not used completely correctly here)
- https://www.dme.net/MUD/
- arborBase - base of the arbor press
taking stock of the components we have in inventory, designed the forming tool using 3/8” linear shafts and plain flanged bushings, which are plentiful and cost-effective should I decide to order more.
to constrain the bushing into each moving stage (toolBacker, toolHolder, topClamp), I iterated on a 1 deg drafted/tapered hole press-fit geometry which makes it easy to insert the bushing, but press-fits at the end of the geometry. under compression, the bushing is kept constrained in the stage. the geometry is modeled after crushribs, where the contact surface is reduced a bit using cuts for compliance. I found that 6 cuts were sufficient, and 4 still worked. adding additional cuts caused the press-fit to deteriorate.
the flanges caused some issues, leading to surfaces butting against each other prematurely, but I fixed that by adding some additional drafted/tapered hole standoffs.
after forming, the form tool appears to have transferred the geometry to the leadframe, creating a compliant pin geometry. however, a fix is wip because the action window wasn’t big enough, and due to the system not being flush, I ended up bending some of the idc contacts intended for displacing wire.
here’s a ct scan of the resulting leadframe:
component - gripper end effector >
since the vacuum pick and place end effector is sufficient for manipulating tiles at the moment, I’ve redirected my efforts on the gripper end effector towards manipulating the h_eon connectors, which need to be automated eventually anyways.
connector compliant gripper >
inspo from this printables file: https://www.printables.com/es/model/214067-bistable-compliant-robot-gripper/files
since the h_eon geometry is much finer than the PCB tiles and requires higher precision, I opted to look into compliant geometries that can tackle this problem. the bistable design fits especially because the gripper simply needs to be in an open or closed state; there is no need for additional granularity.
additional work needs to be done to fine tune the device such that it operates in the elastic region. In progress are some fdm and sla prototypes as well.
connector stapler >
contraining the problem further, another idea in this direction (derived off previous cba work as well) is the connector stapler. this approach combines the end effector and feed mechanism into a single toolhead.
tile claw gripper >
the claw gripper is driven by a servo and intended for 4h_power geometry, which is 9.5 x 9.5mm.