Before we dive into sheet lamination additive manufacturing, let's look at a few benchmark manufacturing technologies:

2D Printing

  • The LITHOMAN Long Grain. Source: manroland Goss

    Page Rate Example
    Web Offset Press 4M/hr LITHOMAN Long Grain
    Sheef-Fed Offset Press 21K/hr Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106
    Web Digital Press 27k/hr HP PageWide Advantage 2200
    Sheet-Fed Digital Press 18K/hr Xerox Baltoro HF
    Typical Office Laserjet 2.1K/hr

    Injection Molding

    The Sumitomo Demag El-Exis SP - molding 216K bottle caps per hour (1.9k cycles / hour)

    What's the point?

    CBAM - Composite-Based Additive Manufacturing

    Sheet lamination, in which printed sheets are laminated together, fundamentally has both speed advantages above. And indeed, Impossible Objects claims that their composite-based additive manufacturing (CBAM) technology has enabled the world's fastest industrial 3D printer.

    This video explains how CBAM works, and is worth a watch.


    The Mcor Iris 3D Printer prints on paper which it cuts, glues, and stacks together. Source: Rik Panganiban via Flickr

    Source: Wired

    UAM - Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing

    Source: Fabrisonic

    The Fabrisonic UAM system retrofitted into a Tormach 1100 CNC mill. Source: