team presentations machine control development division of labor CAD (factor graph -> math string): Neil rendering (math string -> oct-tree -> graphics): Scott, Taro CAM (oct-tree -> toolpath): Steve virtual machines (toolpath -> motion control, user): Ilan networking (motion control -> motion controllers): Neil microcode (network -> I/O): Ilan, Taro PCB design and fab: Marcelo power electronics, motion control: Kwang sensing, input, feedback: Keywon motors, actuators: Max bearings, guides: Max mechanical structure and materials: Steffen, Marcelo extrusion: Jonathan, Steffen machining: Jonathan laser/EDM/...: Kwang external assembly: Scott internal assembly: Skylar ordering, parts: Keywon scaling, fundamental limits: Joe accessibility, dissemination: Leah ... benchmark tasks make a machine circuit board (mill, assemble) make a machine mold (mill, print, assemble) extrude beams -> buildings reconfigurable furniture assignment preliminary division-of-labor embodiments relevant skills, experience