Speech to Reality : Making Words Reality
Speech to Text to Mesh to Voxel to Toolpath to Assembly to Reality

Project Description
Our project this week was done by me and the amazing + awesome Se Hwan Jeon. We decided to develop a speech-to-text-to-mesh-to-voxel-to-toolpath-assembly-physical pipeline. My part consisted of developing interfaces to take in speech from his laptop, generate a 3D mesh, and then use Rhino/Grasshopper to convert them to low-resolution voxels. I also was responsible for the end effector measurment, design and fabrication for the robtoic arm. Se Hwan part consisted of taking those voxels and commanding the UR5 robot arm to assemble them in 3D space with the physical, 3D printed voxels available in the CBA lab.

The Most Important ! With Miana
Text to Mesh - Command Line Interface / app.py *FROM interface Week

Voxelization - Informed Sorting / Assembly Sequence
End Effector Mesurement
End Effector Fabrication
End Effector Connection
Assembly - Finding Origin

Assembly Full Documentation

Assembly Test


More on robots at Se Hwan's site https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.23/Architecture/people/Se/assignments/week_14.html