import urx import time import numpy as np # Fixed parameters PI = 3.1415926535 movement_plane_height = 0.4 source_coordinate = [0, 0.1, -0.035] in_to_m = 0.0254 voxel_xy_offset = [0, -0.1, source_coordinate[2]] # Load in xyz coordinates of voxels, organized from bottom to top layer voxel_coordinates = [ [6.0, 2, 4], [10, 2, 4], [14, 14, 4], [2, 14, 4], [6.0, 2, 8.0], [10, 2, 8.0], [14, 14, 8.0], [2, 14, 8.0], [14, 10, 8.0], [2, 10, 8.0], [14, 10, 12], [6.0, 2, 12], [10, 2, 12], [2, 10, 12], [14, 14, 12], [2, 14, 12], [10, 6.0, 12], [6.0, 6.0, 12], [2, 14, 16], [2, 10, 16], [10, 6.0, 16], [14, 10, 16], [6.0, 6.0, 16], [10, 2, 16], [14, 14, 16], [6.0, 2, 16], [14, 2, 16], [2, 2, 16], [14, 6.0, 16], [10, 14, 16], [6.0, 14, 16], [6.0, 10, 16], [2, 6.0, 16], [10, 10, 16], ] for i in range(len(voxel_coordinates)): for xyz in range(3): if xyz == 1: voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] = -voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] elif xyz == 2: voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] -= 4 # scale: voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] = voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] * in_to_m # offset voxel_coordinates[i][xyz] += voxel_xy_offset[xyz] print(voxel_coordinates) # Setup robot as needed robot = urx.Robot("") robot.set_tcp((0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0)) robot.set_payload(2, (0, 0, 0.1)) acc_cmd = 7 # acc. and vel. for all movements vel_cmd = 7 time.sleep(0.2) # leave some time to robot to process the setup commands # Helper functions for convenience def deg2rad(deg): rad = [] for i in range(len(deg)): rad.append(deg[i] * PI / 180) return rad def translateEndEffectorGlobal(robot, p_des, p_root): p_cmd = robot.getl() for i in range(len(p_des)): p_cmd[i] = p_des[i] + p_root[i] p_cmd[3:6] = p_root[3:6] print("Moving to global position: ", p_cmd) robot.movel(p_cmd, acc=acc_cmd, vel=vel_cmd) def translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, p_z, p_root): p_cmd = robot.getl() p_cmd[2] = p_z + p_root[2] p_cmd[3:6] = p_root[3:6] print("Moving to global Z position: ", p_cmd[2]) robot.movel(p_cmd, acc=acc_cmd, vel=vel_cmd) def translateEndEffectorXYGlobal(robot, p_xy, p_root): p_cmd = robot.getl() for i in range(len(p_xy)): p_cmd[i] = p_xy[i] + p_root[i] p_cmd[3:6] = p_root[3:6] print("Moving to global position: ", p_xy) robot.movel(p_cmd, acc=acc_cmd, vel=vel_cmd) def grabSourceBlock(robot, p_root): source_coordinate_xy = source_coordinate[0:2] source_coordinate_z = source_coordinate[2] translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root) translateEndEffectorXYGlobal(robot, source_coordinate_xy, p_root) translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, source_coordinate_z, p_root) robot.send_program('set_tool_digital_out(0, False)') time.sleep(0.1) translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root) def placeSourceBlock(robot, p_des, p_root): translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root) translateEndEffectorXYGlobal(robot, p_des[0:2], p_root) translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, p_des[2], p_root) robot.send_program('set_tool_digital_out(0, True)') time.sleep(0.1) translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root) if __name__ == '__main__': # Startup procedure print("Starting program...") j_root = deg2rad([0, -90, 135, 225, -90, 45]) print("Robot root joint angles: ", j_root) print("Moving to home...") robot.movej(j_root, acc=acc_cmd, vel=vel_cmd) robot.send_program('set_tool_digital_out(0, True)') # open tool as default p_root = robot.getl() # global root position on startup print("Robot global root position: ", p_root) # Main code for coord in voxel_coordinates: grabSourceBlock(robot, p_root) placeSourceBlock(robot, coord, p_root) # translateEndEffectorXYGlobal(robot, [0, 0.1], p_root) # translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, 0.3, p_root) # Shutdown procedure input("Press enter to shutdown...") print("Returning to root position and orientation...") translateEndEffectorZGlobal(robot, movement_plane_height, p_root) translateEndEffectorXYGlobal(robot, [0, 0], p_root) robot.movej(j_root, acc=acc_cmd, vel=vel_cmd) robot.send_program('set_tool_digital_out(0, True)') # open tool as default print("Program finished.") time.sleep(0.5) robot.close()