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Final Project progress

Past Idea:

I want to make a series of screen displays showcasing realtime harware pixel transfomations. This is as a way to expose the lower workings of circuit design for artistic and educational purposes. So far I would like to make:
* sin transform of pixel position through time and y position.
* Fourier Transform of audio input affects the pixel displacement in polar coordinate.
* dot product displacement of pixels along polar coordinates
* ripple adder
The inspiration was because I first wanted to create a joke hardware integer multiplication for RISCV and rewrite the ASM to use the integer multiplication for 32 bit numbers because there is no integer multiplication there. I want to use a GALACTIC ALGORITHM. The fastest known algorithm for integer multiplication is a galactic algorithm, meaning it is efficient but so large, it is not practical.
This is because it uses a 1729 dimensional fourior transform.
In the seminal paper, it sketches an idea of how to do it with only 8 dimensions.
So I broke down how to do a FFT without complex numbers. This would mean I would need addition, sin, cos, and multiplication (funnily enough.)
I knew that this project would fail at some point and I was curious exactly where and how.

This project is also inspired by https://monster6502.com/ which is a 6502 processor made with discrete transistors.

Where I am at right now is I am just trying to have a circuit board display a live camera feed.

More past Ideas:

My idea was first to figure out the best way to make the most perfect cube

but then i realized that it doesnt incorporate pdb design which is what I am very excited about.

My next idea was to make a midi controller for performances.
I am a livecoder, which means I perform writing code on stage

I write GLSL
I want to create a sphereical midi pad for performance

This is a process shot of the modeling.

final Project process