import machine import utime led_blue_10 = machine.Pin(6,machine.Pin.OUT) led_blue_1000 = machine.Pin(7,machine.Pin.OUT) led_onboard_b = machine.Pin(25,machine.Pin.OUT) led_onboard_g = machine.Pin(16,machine.Pin.OUT) led_onboard_r = machine.Pin(17,machine.Pin.OUT) while True: led_blue_10.on() #this opens the circuit for the pin with the 10 ohm resistor led_blue_1000.on() #this opens the circuit for the pin with the 1000 ohm resistor led_onboard_b.on() #this turns the onboard led off led_onboard_g.on() #this turns the onboard led off led_onboard_r.on() #this turns the onboard led off