Rachele Didero's site Welcome to Rocky 96's HTMAA world

Welcome to Rocky96's
HTMAA world

A free, fully responsive (?) font of inspiration (?) designed by Rachele Didero for How to Make (Almost) Anything Course @ MIT Media Lab
and released for free .

November 22, 2023

Week 12

Machine Building

- Machine for videos and postproduction -


Actuate and automate your machine

This week we built a machine, as a group project. In the following link you can find the group documentation:
"MAS.863/4.140 Dramatictron > 9000 Wednesday Dec 6th 1:00-2:00 E14-633 2023"

Here's the script that I wrote:

Script for Video

The stage is dimly lit, a single, quirky figure commands the spotlight amidst an atmospheric hum. A narrator's voice breaks the silence.

Narrator: "In a dimension where reality cozies up to the fantastical, our oddball inventor stumbles into a quirky laboratory."

Narrator: "A contraption pulses, breathing life into characters from realms unknown. The stage is primed for a cosmic comedy."

Eccentric Inventor: "It's alive! It's alive!"

Narrator: "Our eccentric inventor declares triumphantly, conjuring a superbeing with wisdom, heroism, obsession, and a dash of ruthless flair."

Yoda (stroking his chin): "A peculiar realm, this is. Tread carefully, we must."

Gollum (hissing): "No, no, hush. We wants that machine, my precious! We needs it!"

Sméagol (pleading): "No, Gollum, be nice to the eccentric inventor. They're trying to help."

As Dr. Frankenstein orchestrates, the characters twirl through their cosmic comedy, their essence swirling with the atmosphere.

Don Vito Corleone (with a commanding tone): "NO!! I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. We will have that machine."

Yoda (with sage wisdom): "In this machine, the Force, it binds us. Share we must."

Narrator: "The mysterious lab morphs into a surreal theater – the eccentric inventor seamlessly embodying each character, their performance a symphony of cosmic absurdity."

Narrator: "A solo act unfurls, turning the stage into a canvas for a cosmic comedy. Great personalities meld the lines between hero and villain."

Closing shot: Dr. Frankenstein, in a fit of excitement, exclaims "It's alive, it's alive!" – a dialogue between Gollum and Sméagol about "the great machine," the internal struggle playing out on a cosmic stage.

Gollum (whispering): "The machine, precious. It makes us part of the show."

Sméagol (hopeful): "Yes, Gollum. A show where we will be echoed through the ages."

Narrator: "Passion, wisdom, madness, exhaustion. Don't miss 'Dramatic Troubadour.' Available only in CBA until the end of December 2023."

Here's the program I used to convert Lucy and Alan's voices into the characters' voices: the narrator, Gollum, Smeagol, Yoda, Vito Corleone, Frankestein.
"Input Devices,"

Here's the video I postproduced on Premiere Pro: