from machine import Pin, PWM, I2C, Timer import time import wifi, settings import usocket as socket import select # Initialize GPIO led = Pin("LED", Pin.OUT) b1 = Pin(15, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) LED_R = Pin(3, Pin.OUT) LED_W = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) def initializing(): for x in range(10): LED_W.toggle() time.sleep_ms(settings.FLASH_TIME) # Initialize WiFi wlan = wifi.initialize(settings.SSID, settings.PASS) if wlan.isconnected(): for x in range(6): LED_W.toggle() time.sleep_ms(settings.FLASH_TIME) else: for x in range(6): LED_R.toggle() time.sleep_ms(settings.FLASH_TIME) return wlan def open_socket(ip): address = (ip, 80) connection = socket.socket() connection.bind(address) connection.listen(1) poll = select.poll() poll.register(connection, select.POLLIN) return connection, poll def serve(connection, poll): events = poll.poll(100) if events: state = "off" print(str(connection)) client = connection.accept()[0] request = client.recv(1024) request = str(request) print(request) try: request = request.split()[ 1 ] # second member of the array, split at each split except IndexError: pass if request == "/lock?": LED_R.on() state = "ON" elif request == "/unlock?": state = "OFF" LED_W.on() html = webpage(state) client.send(html) print(request) client.close() def webpage(state): # Template HTML html = f"""

Lock State is {state}

""" return str(html) # Set Up print("test test test") wlan = initializing() ip = wlan.ifconfig()[0] print(f"Connected on {ip}") connection, poll = open_socket(ip) print(str(connection)) while True: serve(connection, poll) if b1.value() != 1: LED_W.on()