Pset 0: Final Project Planning

enumeration begins at zero

though maybe -1 is a better choice

Planning Motivation

I'm an avid but very bad biker. If my hands go off of the bike handles, I will fall. Therefore, I cannot signal when turning which is quite dangerous considering Boston drivers. Instead of learning how to better balance on my bike, I will try to make a bike signal instead--something that may or may not be harder than just learning to balance.

2D Designing

A few aspirations I have for my bike signal include incorporating a speedometer, making it rain resistant, and making it left-hand friendly. Nevertheless, they are aspirations. Below is a more realistic depiction of my amazing(!) skills B).

A bad drawing of a bike with the signal turner

3D Designing

I wrestled with Fusion360 for many hours. Who knew you can only edit sketch in sketch editing mode? Not me a few hours ago. I also have relearned how to use Google after getting distracted with ChatGPT; I don't think ChatGPT is particularly good at giving direction for Fusion360.

The part on top is intended to be a screen attached to a bike's handles. The two buttons are for adjusting speed units and for signaling turn. Button specific behaviors is to be determined. The part below is intended to be the light signal, attached underneath the bike seat. There are three distinct light: one on the right and one on the left for right and left turn, respectively, and one at the center to signal slow down. The slow down light function is hopefully automatic from our speed sensor.

I have abstracted away any connection needed between the parts (wired? Bluetooth? RF?), energy source (disposable versus rechargeable battery), and many other components that one may need to create such a thing in real life.

A bad drawing of a bike with the signal turner