char inByte, buf[100]; char *ptr,*ID,*UTC,*latitude,*NS,*longitude,*EW,*fix,*satellites,*dilation,*altitude,*units, *validity; uint8_t len = 0; // Struct to store each point data typedef struct { float lat; float lon; float alt; int year; int month; int day; int hrs; int mins; float secs; } gps_p; void setup_gps() { Serial1.begin(9600); } gps_p create_gps(float lat, float lon, float alt, int year, int month, int day, int hrs, int mins, float secs) { gps_p new_gps; = lat; new_gps.lon = lon; new_gps.alt = alt; new_gps.year = year; new_gps.month = month; = day; new_gps.hrs = hrs; new_gps.mins = mins; new_gps.secs = secs; return new_gps; } // Function to print the values of a gps_p structure using printf void print_gps(const gps_p point) { printf("Latitude: %f\n",; printf("Longitude: %f\n", point.lon); printf("Altitude: %f\n", point.alt); printf("Date: %d-%d-%d", point.year, point.month,; printf("Time: %d hours, %d minutes, %f seconds\n", point.hrs, point.mins, point.secs); } gps_p parse_gps_data(const char *lat, const char *NS, const char *lon, const char *EW, const char *alt, const char *UTC) { // parse info // parse latitude: ddmm.mmmm float lat_deg, lat_min; sscanf(lat, "%2f%5f", &lat_deg, &lat_min); float re_lat = lat_deg + lat_min/60; re_lat = (*NS == 'N') ? re_lat : -re_lat; // parse longitude: dddmm.mmmm float lon_deg, lon_min; sscanf(lon, "%3f%5f", &lon_deg, &lon_min); float re_lon = lon_deg + lon_min/60; re_lon = (*EW == 'E') ? re_lon : -re_lon; // parse altitude: float float re_alt = atof(alt); // parse time UTC: hhmmss.sss int hrs, mins; float secs; sscanf(UTC, "%2d%2d%6f", &hrs, &mins, &secs); int day = 0; int month = 0; int year = 0; gps_p point = create_gps(re_lat, re_lon, re_alt, year, month, day, hrs, mins, secs); return point; } gps_p parse_gps_messages(char *buf) { // Exmple Valid Message with the data wanted: // Format: $GNRMC, utc, pos status, lat, lat dir, lon, lon dir, speed Kn, track true, date, mag var, var dir, mode ind // Format: $GNRMC,, A/V,, N/S,, E/W, float, float, ddmmyy, float, E/W, A // GNRMC,210546.000,A,4221.6641,N,07105.5411,W,0.00,0.00,151223,,,A*62 // 16:05:45.512 -> GPTXT,01,01,01,ANTENNA OK*35 // 16:05:45.998 -> GNGGA,210546.000,4221.6641,N,07105.5411,W,1,05,1.5,5.1,M,0.0,M,,*63 // 16:05:46.063 -> GNGLL,4221.6641,N,07105.5411,W,210546.000,A,A*53 // 16:05:46.095 -> GPGSA,A,3,27,21,07,16,08,,,,,,,,2.7,1.5,2.3*3C // 16:05:42.144 -> BDGSA,A,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,2.7,1.5,2.3*23 // 16:05:46.191 -> GPGSV,2,1,08,02,09,165,,07,45,308,28,08,69,193,26,09,,,22*4D // 16:05:46.350 -> BDGSV,1,1,00*68 // 16:05:46.350 -> GNRMC,210546.000,A,4221.6641,N,07105.5411,W,0.00,0.00,151223,,,A*62 // 16:05:46.415 -> GNVTG,0.00,T,,M,0.00,N,0.00,K,A*23 // 16:05:46.478 -> GNZDA,210546.000,15,12,2023,00,00*48 latitude = strtok_r(NULL,",",&ptr); NS = strtok_r(NULL,",",&ptr); longitude = strtok_r(NULL,",",&ptr); EW = strtok_r(NULL,",",&ptr); fix = strtok_r(NULL,",",&ptr); satellites = strtok_r(NULL,",",&ptr); dilation = strtok_r(NULL,",",&ptr); altitude = strtok_r(NULL,",",&ptr); units = strtok_r(NULL,",",&ptr); printf("UTC time: %s, ",UTC); printf("Latitude: %s ",latitude); printf("%s, ",NS); printf("Longitude: %s ",longitude); printf("%s, ",EW); printf("Satellites: %s, ",satellites); printf("Altitude: %s ",altitude); printf("%s\n",units); return parse_gps_data(latitude, NS, longitude, EW, altitude, UTC); } char msg[100]; bool read_gps() { // read from port 1, send to port 0: if (Serial1.available()) { inByte =; Serial.print(inByte); if (inByte == '$') { buf[len] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the string Serial.print("Buffer: "); Serial.println(buf); if (strncmp(buf,"GNGAA",5) == 0) { ID = strtok_r(buf,",",&ptr); UTC = strtok_r(NULL,",",&ptr); if (buf[10+UTC-buf] == ',') { // check for empty latitude printf("%s: no fix\n",UTC); } else { gps_p rec_point = parse_gps_messages(buf); } } strcpy(msg, buf); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); // Clear the buffer len = 0; return true; } else { buf[len++] = inByte; if (len >= sizeof(buf)) { // Buffer overflow protection, reset the buffer memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); len = 0; } } } return false; }