I am interested in harnessing synthetic biology for engineering advanced materials with novel functionalities and performance - materials that have self transforming properties to enable us in imagining and designing a new plethora of interactions for the future of humans and computers. My current research is in "second skin" applications with tight looped distributed sensing and haptic feedback on the human skin, as a computational layer. For actuation, I work with mechanical metamaterials to provide enough degree of freedom in order to achieve different behaviours by the mathematical structure of the material. One approach is that I would potentially like to look for a corresponding phenomena at the biological scale "bio-meta-materials". This may then be utilized for both sensing and actuation (color expression as visual feedback depending on the sensor data), however it is yet quite open ended. This idea of computational skin is composed of fibrous structures harnessing ancient mesh techniques such as multiaxial weaving, warp knitting and so on. One application is about sense the "shape" of the wearer / the "topology"of an object that is put on the surface of the artificial skin by engineering the fibers in a way that stores and communicates the data through "non-electrical" components (currently I use conductive fiber and a mathematical model to process the signals) thus if this data could be stored and expressed by a bioagent that is embedded inside/coating the fiber mesh, that would be...hmm interesting!