4: Waterjet & NC Mills





Hiro(ya) Tanaka
htanaka(a) sfc.keio.ac.jp






4-1: "Origami-like" Kinetic Furniture Design

I made the movable and foldable furniture.

Firstly I went to boulterplywood and 10 birch sheets.

Test prototype w/Piano Hinge.

The result of shopbot cutting.

3-variations for folding and unfolding.

Simulation Movie by Rhino/Grasshopper.

4-2: Watejet- ModuCloud Ver2.0

In addition, I did some exercises using aluminium plates.

This module was originally designed for Open (Re)Source Furniture Ver0.8.

modu-cloud_Dataincluding< .ai & .dxf >
thickness : 2.5mm