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Create a printer that can print stickers that are actually dynamic screens.

Making one sticker that service many applications optionally general purpose.

The printer combine optical shutter (lcd) elements (pixels) from a cartridge on a transparent sticker film print drivers to these elements and laminate them.

The result can be used over any transparent or reflective surface.

1. ScreenSticker

Design - To - Manufacturing process

  1. The user designs all the stickers he would like to have - i.e. the foreground

  2. The design sw combines all the stickers design to a multiple layer image

  3. The design sw decides how many pixels are needed

  4. The rom for the control is programmed to switch between sticker states

  5. The design sw decides the best way to print the drivers from the control chip to the pixels

  6. The plan is sent for the printer to execute

  7. A multipurpose electronics card that will be connected to the sticker is programmed to switch between the states of the stickers

TODAY: static stickers - print stick remove and print again ...

  1. 1.ScreenSticker

  2. 2.Tennis Sensei Robot

  3. 3.Mobile Mobiles

  4. 4.Inflatable Making Machine

FUTURE: dynamic stickers

Create a tennis robot machine that can sense the ball or receive input from a person about the performance of the player (missed, returned slow, returned fast, returned direction, in, out) and can mimic a real player much more efficiently.

Hopefully this robot change his game plan dynamically and even mimic player styles such as aggressive, conservative, dynamic etc.

2. Tennis Sensei Robot

Mobiles are not able to move in space - only being carried by people.

The project will create a mobile mobile phone that can direct himself in space.

The user can device what will be the phone locations and can set new locations dynamically and than he can say “go to the room” and the phone will go to the bedroom or “wait for me by the door” and the phone will go to the entrance and wait.

3. Mobile Mobiles

Inflatables are huge fun.

They come in many designs and colors and in general can be functional, entertaining and beautiful

The idea for personal fabrication and the revolution if digital fabrication imply that we can get the source code or the design of a thing and make it instead of manually manufacturing it and shipping across the seas. 

By having a machine that makes inflatables from a CAD design will allow people to create them and share their source code on the web so other people that need these structures or like them can make or remix them.

4. Inflatable Making Machine