how to make [almost] anything mas.863.12   work about
mechanical design 13  

machine building

The focus of this week was the only group project of the term. The architecture section meet and brainstormed to develop one in-depth machine. After hashing through many options we settled on a wall hung suction cup drawing machine. Since the whole group would be focusing on the design we divided up into (2) sections: Mechanical Design & Electronics/Software. Personally, I was focused on developing the interface between mechanical and electrical. I worked on building a fabduino interface The bridge board traces and pin mapping reference above.


Traces prepared for milling in the fab modules.

Above are the through board holes file prepared for milling. Key things to note here are that the downloadable .png is initially inverted. You want the image to read as black holes on a white background the same as your cut out .png looks. Then you are ready to mill with the 1/32" bit as if you were cutting out the board. *Be sure to run this file before you run the cut-out file.*

Fab modules set-up to cut out the board.

Milling the traces with a sharp 1/64" bit is critical to achieve clean traces.

After milling the traces.

Soldered board in preparation for programming. I used a Mega 328 chip with the external 8.0 Mhz crystal as directed by the original page and programmed accordingly. This image is a good reference photo to note which pins on the board are jumping to the AVR ISP.

Jumper mapping into the ISP header for memory.

A quick google search for the ISP pin mapping shows the ordering on pins on the programmer since the fabduino does not have a traditional ISP header on the board.

Even though I was using the 328 w/ the external crystal to be sure I also chanced the programmers txt file according to the fabduino page.

Choose the Arduino Pro 328 w/ 8mhz for the board. You might still show an error while burning the bootloader but you need to carefully read the error as mine was not one that prohibited the board running.

The finished fabduino running the blink sketch. Further development on the class portion of the project can be found here: Arch Section,
  -- jared laucks -- © 2006-2012 --