how to make [almost] anything mas.863.12   work about
electronics design week_4  

custom circuit board

The focus of this week was to develop a workflow for circuit design. The software package we are using to develop custom circuits is EAGLE. Above you can see the schematic board design workflow.


While developing the circuit in the schematic windows the board layout window is being developed in parallel. At the same time a significant amount of moving placing and routing the traces is needed in the board layout view.

The final board .png.

Picking the parts, milling the board and stuffing seemed to come much simpler this week. I made sure to get the proper 'mill traces' and you can see the difference on the final milled board.

The completed board with my jumper. I began trying to program the board first with my FabISP and also with the Arch shop programmer but was not yet able to get beyond the make step. where i am geting an error from avrdude to check connections and try again. I am fairly certain there is an issue with the board.
  -- jared laucks -- © 2006-2012 --