Week 10: Input devices.

1. Make a simple board of Neil's design to figure out the process:

2. Make my own board using the Optek sensor. link to Optek.


Traces below:

Below is the board with sensor attached. The board provides LED current and phototransistor bias to the sensor as planned.

I was able to measure a signal by oscilloscope on the input pin to the ADC. The setup is shown above, and the results below. More complete results coming soon!

Measurement of output voltage vs distance of white card from sensor.
Distance (mm) output at pin (V)
>>10 0.03
10 0.08
8 0.15
6 0.22
4 0.38
2 1.22
0 0.26

I was able to program this board with my repaired Tiny44 ISB programmer using the simple Arduino code. The program sends values via SoftwareSerial from the tiny45. The values range from 0 to 1024, reflecting the 10-bit ADC. At a lower level in the code the two bytes are being combined. In Neil's code both bytes are sent out to the Python program, which combines them.

3. Explore the use of the step response devices.

Next, I want to use the step function repsonse sensors. This could be directly applied to intro physics E&M labs to have students do something useful!

Joshua Smith's thesis is one resource: http://cba.mit.edu/docs/theses/95.08.smith.pdf. Neil showed a video from JS's thesis of 3D field sensing of hand position using an arry of electrodes.

4. Notes from class 11/13/13