Week 6: Electronics Design

I have created schematics and traces a few times before, but not for 10 years or so, so I am functioning as a novice. Perhaps if I record some of my learning points as I go along it will be of use to other novices.

I plan to use Eagle to create a schematic of the echo hello-world board, export the png files of the traces, and machine a board as we did in week 3.

I need to know what some of these pins do in order to figure out where to hook up an LED or switch ( to do something). Refer to the data sheet, numbering pins ccw from upper left...... Whoa! It's not that simple. These pins have many functions, depending on how the thing is programmed!

During wiring:


Pictures from the Eagle project:

The project files for the board and the schematic. I drew a line around the periphery of the board on another layer (the bottom) and exported a monchrome to make a toolpath in the fab module. The layer on Eagle marked 'dimension' did not export a png that could be used this way - too thin a line? The resulting board is below.

Here is the populated board. The tutorial that is very useful for running the modela from the fab modules is here. I used a fresh 1/64" mill, and chose to run at 3.5 mm/sec rather than 4.0, since Rob H. told us in week two that new mills need to go a bit slower for a few boards.

Does it work? Haven't gotten to program it yet.

Amplifier project

I wanted to make a simple board from start to finish, with no pattern to copy during routing. I chose an amplifier circuit from Paul Horowitz and Tom Hayes's electronics course in the harvard Physics department. This is a circuit that I use to amplify microphone signals when I want to observe them on an oscilloscope.

Notes from class 10/16 on electronic board design.

Progress on Project development.


Ideas that could lead to projects:

Spinning machine.

Notes from class 10/16 on others' projects: