electronics design

echo hello-world board + LED
design + fabrication
Fab Academy tutorial

board components: mini USB connector; resistors (4): 10k(x2), 499ohm(x2); capacitors (1): 1 uf; resonator: 20 mhz; IC1 microcontroller: attiny44a; conector: j1 isp 2x3; 6-pin programming header; LED: (blue) clear 1206 3.3V 20mA; button: switch tactile SPST-NO 0.05A 24V; single sided circuit copper board stock: 1.6”x1.6”

software: EAGLE

- create a new project (folder)
- create a new schematic (.sch)
- add library 'fab.lbr' to EAGLE /Applications/EAGLE-7.1.0/lbr
- add library components with "add" command
- rotate components with 'right click'
- move components with "move" command
- add connections with "net" command (be careful not to overlap 'net' and component parts!)
- add labels with "label" command
- add names with "name" command
- add values with "value" command
- check schematic for errors with "ERC" command (Electrical Rules Check) + "error" command
- create a new board (.brd)
- arrange components to fit board limits ("move" + "rotate")
- add connections with "route" command (remove using "ripup" command)
- check board for errors with "ERC" command (Electrical Rules Check) + "error" command
- export traces with "file/export/image" command switching off all layers except 'top' layer
- export contour with "file/export/image" command switching off all layers except
'dimension' layer (or the layer you have used to draw the outline)

components added to schematic

checking schematic for errors: connections missing and values missing.

start: messy

exported .pngs: traces and outline

output controller: http://mod.cba.mit.edu/index.html

- see electronics production guide

exported .pngs: traces and outline

problems with cut depth: first try was too deep, second try was to light. solved (thanks will!) by adding 0.02mm to the default depth. use this just for the 1/64 traces, not necessary for the 1/32 outline

final result. rid up coming soon!

10/29 update:
new design:
new board considering fabISP organization of elements

new cases coming soon?