Merav Gazit


Week 09_Input_Devices


Project 10a
For this week assignment, I really wanted to make a multitouch-pad. I started with Neil's Step Response example (transmit-receive). I milled and stuffed the board.
Project 10b
Programing and using the python visualization was easy. You can watch the result in the linked video.
Project 10c
Then, I started the more complicated part of the assignment - understanding how to make a multitouch-pad. I began with a tutorial by Matt Keeter. I followed his schematic and then tried to arrange the pads on the same side of the electronic components using traces instead of milling a two-sided board.
Project 10d
It was pretty complicated and probably demanded more knowledge in electronics then what I have so far, or simply more time....So, I tried to create a simpler version
Project 10e
Following this tutorial I built the schematic in Eagle. The logic is an input from a single pin on the attiny44 and output from 8 different pins which creates 8 different pads.
Project 10f
Tracing the board took quite a while, because I wanted to leave the pads area clean from traces and not to use too many jumpers. I tried a few configurations. At the end I decided to connect the traces to the pads by wires on the bottom side of the board. (Thanks Diego P for the great advice!)
Project 10g
I prepared the png files for the modela in Photoshop. I used 4 different files: 1_Traces for the electronics components. 2_Traces for the pads, in which I changed the number of offsets in the Fab_module to -1, in order to remove all the copper between the pads. 3_File to drill the holes for the connecting wires. 4_ Interior file.
Project 10h
The board after milling.
Project 10i
Soldering + Wiring
Project 10j
In order to program the board I used the tutorial's C + makefile as a base.
Project 10m
Checking all the pads on the serial monitor. Watch video
Project 10k
Still working on the visualization... Hope to update soon!
Thanks to Diego Pinochet and Matt Edwards the TA's for all the assistance and advices :)