Week 0 - Introduction and Computer-Aided Design
Task: model (draw, render, animate, simulate ...) a possible final project, and post it own your class page
Instead of a set final project, I wanted to start by keeping the possibilities open. I started to compile a list of ideas that I thought were cool/wanted to make. Some of these might end up being a weekly project. I also wasn't sure if some of these are feasible, so leaving it open. This will be a running list, as well as a resource of links/inspiration/sketches/CAD models/etc. I'll probably update this page throughout the semester with progress to whichever one becomes the final project.
- synchronized clock wall; 'A million times'
- a rotational weirdly weighted thing... think epi and hypocycloid
- prothestic... drill arm?
- AQUAPONICS~ (in my room! :D)
- segway, scooter, etc.
- DUSK - quiet chair pod thing. or with speakers :D... shaped like a scorpion :3
- integrated lantern/light system in room
- 360 surround sound? in the pod system thing perhaps? Also program to encode a song so that it sends to different points in the surround speaker system
- for "something big" --> the stair dresser drawers I wanted for my loft? perhaps plays sounds when you step on it?
- some motion-control thing with hand
- train... or other sort of motion system
- cool ancient pneumatic machines
- keyboard wallet. connect via bluetooth to speakers or computer? ooh
- MIDI touchpad controller
- toroidal chess, both physical device and inner computer controller/player
- poi/fan/hoop LED program
- hand DDR
- interactive/circuit wallpaper (above desk)
- some tool: drill press, 3D printer, mill, waterjet
- cool structure that "sings" in the wind due to its architecture
- spider/scorpion bot
- sound levitation microarray and newer advancements
- Big Hero 6 first robot :D
- piano
- some sort of radio controlled device...
- cool folding door/or gear/unclocking mechanism
- climbing/rapelling device
- gyroscope