Elizabeth Carré

Week 14

Sick With Stomach Bug


This project was all about making a lamp shade for a night light. I chose to desing a composit with varying planes to simulate viual movements. Below are the steps i took to complete this project.

A boy surrounded by beautiful nature
Quiet day at the beach. Cold, but beautiful
Canoeing again

Once the composite was milled I added the jesso and plastic wrap on top of the modle to preserve the foam from contact with the composite apoxy.

A boy surrounded by beautiful nature What a beautiful scenery this sunset
Quiet day at the beach. Cold, but beautiful Nature again.. At its finest!

After Preparing the Model, I suited up to portect myself from the fumes, and waited for the expoy to me mesured and passed around. The failure here was a comination of not being supervised while completing this task but also using too much apoxy on the linen for composite making. I then decided the best course of action for this comosite would be to used the vacum form the composite to the modle. I used the quiting batting and plastic to portect the batting and plastic vacume bag from the apoxy.

A boy surrounded by beautiful nature What a beautiful scenery this sunset
Quiet day at the beach. Cold, but beautiful Nature again.. At its finest!
Canoeing again What a beautiful day!