Elizabeth Carré

About Me


Elizabeth Carré

I'm a self proclaimed Fine Arts Desinger. I use UX/UI principles and Fine Arts skills to make interactive sculptures and instaltions. Currently I am focusing on the interactive narritives and phycial interfacese, from the prespective of basic lingustic anyalis; particularly, phonological and morpho-syntatic transition. My thesisi work is focused on the metaphor of cocoon and metamorphisis through enviormental stimulus and communication through none verbal ques. In the work I am developing in this class, I will be working on the mechnism that immitate comunicative gesture found in nature. In adition to creating the necssicary sensores I would need for the responsive device, cocoon.

Contact Me

Need something? Drop me a line and I'll be sure to get back to you.

mail: ecarre@massart.edu

mail: ecarre@mit.edu

tel: 860-538-2167