Elizabeth Carré

Week 4

Cocoon Prototype


This particiular clay cocoon was desing to comfortably fit in you'r hand. The intent is to invoke a send of contemplation, calm, or statifaction when the cocoon is place in you hand. I hope to start user testing this and about 19 other versrions of these shapes, in order to figure wich shapes best fit the users need for a meditative device. How ever there is one problem... plastine clay is to mutable of a material to rely on. So 3D printing seems like the fast solution to the issue, rather than casting a few models.

A boy surrounded by beautiful nature
Quiet day at the beach. Cold, but beautiful
Canoeing again

I started by scanning my clay modle.It took some time. The modle is small and gray, so the scanner had some trouble finding it. but After about 4 or 5 attemps i finnal got the item scanned to satifaction. I then out it on the tumb drive and sent it to print about 70% smaller than the original modle.

Once the cocoon was printed cooled and dried. I tested the shape in my hand. The smaller coocon, while still satifying to hold, lacked the precence of space to keep me focused on the item in my hand.

A boy surrounded by beautiful nature
Quiet day at the beach. Cold, but beautiful
Canoeing again