Hi, I am Safinah.

I am a graduate student at the Personal Robots Group at MIT Media Lab. I am interested in social robots, assistive technology, and machine ethics.
This is my website for the course - 'How to Make (Almost) Anything', where I document successes and failures of class projects.
The goal of this class is to be able to learn various physical prototyping and electronics making techniques.


Weekly Assignments

Interactive 3D Maps

Final Project


Laser Cutting

World (dot) Map

Vinyl Cutting

PCB Design

Electronics Production

Oh deer

3D scanning and printing

Lion Circuit

Electronics design

Book Case

Computer Controlled Machining

Lighting up

Embedded Programming

Skulls, Brains and Masks

Molding and Casting


Output devices

Cakey Makey

Pancake Machine Design


Input Devices


Interfaces and Application Programming

Basic I2C


Hyperloop Composite


Final Project Ideas

Final Project Brainstorming Ideas