Adding files to library (files found in git Eagle folder) Drag files from Git into this eagle folder Now, there are the Fab circuits in our library to be added into the schematic By reading through previous years tutorials and instructions from the class we were able to figure out which component to add into eagle since it was difficult figuring out the name of the components. However, I think we were able to figure it out in the end. 1   2
Following making the schematic in Eagle, I transferred the schematic components to Eagles board design window and connect all the leads. This was challenging to do since there are so many components and the additional challenge that this is a 1D board. To simplify this task, I used the provided board image from instruction as a guide, which made it a lot easier than starting from scratch.
The first milled board was 2 times the size. I had to change the DPI from 1500 to 3000 in Mods to get the correct size. After printing the smaller version, I noticed that some leads were not separated. Thus, I needed to redesign the board to prevent this issue. Instead of printing to figure out if the milling device will be able to separate the leads, I realized that if you just look at the milling path in Mod, this will also indicate if it will try to separate all you leads. Looking at the milling path saves a lot of time and prevents waste of milling multiple boards. Even when I tried moving things around, I still always having the issue of the leads being too close to one another. Thus, I designed as much as I could in Eagle, saved the PNG using imageMagick, and then edited the PNG files in photoshop to remove parts of the footprint leads since some of them didn’t need to be as large as they are. This resolved my problem.
Finally, I just needed to solder the board. Few notes: the atTiny45 should have the dot on the top left of the board. The switch seemed a bit ambiguous, so tried to base it upon the orientation from other previous years board. Also, I was unsure about the orientation of the 20MHz crystal, but since there didn’t seem to be any asymmetry, I made the assumption that there is no correct direction – I hope this assumption is correct! This is my completed product, which is now ready for programming in the next electronics section.