Week 11 - Mechanical Machine Design

The Architecture section decided to make an automatic drink dispensing machine.

For our team machine project, I worked with Dalma and Jung on the drink dispenser portion. We had to choose between a pressurized solenoid valve and a servo-driven pinching mechanism, so we conducted some tests with water and tubing. We ultimately decided that the simple valve would be the simplest to design for. We lasercut acrylic to fit around the valve handle and connect it to a servo.

In particular, I worked on the bottles that would hold different drink liquids to dispense. We found very simple, nice looking VOSS water bottles and peeled off the stickers on the bottles. I then drilled a hole into each cap to fit the tubing that would connect to the valves. I also drilled a hole in the base of each bottle to allow air to enter the bottle and ensure smooth liquid dispensing.

I also spent some time making the custom LED boards that would light up the cap of each bottle. Axel and Jackie helped me design the board so that it would fit exactly into the cap of the bottle while holding four RGBLEDs in a row.

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