How to Make ( Almost ) Anything
09 Week
Another week behind for me unfortunately!
Initially thought there was an issue with my board as there was an issue with my VCC, so I had to connect it to ground through an airwire.
I was unable to load any programming into it after getting the RC=-1 issue. It's possibly a program with my design, which I keep having. I checked soldering and airwire to make sure there is no contact or shorting.
My goal was to recreate the visible light sensor from neil's design, using the ATTiny44. Wish I had stuck with the 45 as I'm now struggling to define the pins as well. I tried programming from the terminal and Arduino IDE.
I will attempt to make the board again using the ATTINY 45, and using the computer in the lab. Will update soon.
Meanwhile here is a sad doggo to represent my emotional state this entire process. #SendPrayers
Working on integrating my final project into the other weeks, I used a PiCam as my input. Setting up took some messing around and familiarization with Raspberri PI, but overall successful.
Following some tutorials and troubleshooting some compatibility issues with Raspberry pi 3 B+ .
I followed Océane's script in the python IDE on raspian which is the following:
#testing camera function
#!/usr/bin/env python
from picamera import PiCamera
from time import sleep
camera = PiCamera()
sleep(5) camera.capture('/tmp/picture.jpg')