Amplifier enclosure

My plan is to make my own amplifier enclosure out of steel (cut with a water jet) and have a wooden frame around it.

Initial design of the parts

Now, after I have settled on the amplifier dimensions, I have decided to make a 6''x10''x2'' box. The initial draft for the amplifier enclosure looked as follows

Steel chassis

Wooden frame

Steel chassis

Luckily, the Wildcard week offered exactly what I needed to create my own chassis. After thinking about how to place all the components, I fabricated the box as described in the tracking page of Week 14

Wooden frame

I also decided to fabricate a wooden element, surrounding the steel box. Unlike in the Computer-controlled machining week , which only used 2 dimensions of the milling machine, here I needed to introduce the "0.5" dimension, since I wanted to make a wooden pocket.

After preparing a 2D cut layout and planning the toolpath (thanks to my instructor, Zach), we used the ONSRUD milling machine in the arhitecture shop, which we worked with in the Mechanical Machine Design.

Milling the plywood with ONSRUD

Extracting the frame after milling

Finally, after some manual wood work, and drilling the holes, the wooden frame is ready!

Steel and wooden enclosures are ready

Issues that I faced
