
Creating an Interactive Color Slider


Proper documentation forthcoming.

In summary:

What did I do?

- Installed FastLED library, tools > manage Libraries, search, install.
- Note: uses like 40% available memory. Helpful for sketching something up quickly. Probably use lightweight library (even though no hardware SPI support) or manual to save space. Pololu library seems to compile to about half the size.
- FastLED is OK, but color control isn’t as fine as manual or Pololu which is made specifically for APA102 (DotStar). FastLED is good if looking to use same program for different LED pixel systems, or coordinating between the two since it has unified interface (e.g. NeoPixel and DotStar together)
- Simple rotating LED sketch, success. Lot easier with library than doing it manually.
- Simple LED sketch using Pololu Library
- Setting up software serial for Arduino
- Not too difficult, remember RX->TX and vice versa
- Setting up software in Processing, following blinking example in Sparkfun tutorial
- Using slider code from online
- Needed to shift value over; hue started at blue instead of red, added offset.
- Figuring out how to do picture-in-picture video took longer than expected.