working final project motor assembly prototype :
Last week was incredibly disappointing :
In an attempt to slightly change the step-response board, I was unable to program my board
to do anything. it seems changing the attiny45 to the atmega328was not as simple as I thought
it would be.
To be clear, I now understand that I could have kept the attiny45 and not used software serial but
used Neil's code. I understand that I can use Neil's code in the Arduino IDE, but I do not
want to use Neil's code because while I do more or less understand it when parsing through
it slowly, but I know that after the class I will not be using that workflow and so while Arduino
in its various forms is not as efficient, I want to pursue it because I do think I will be using
that on my own after this class concludes - in fact I would like to very much continue to do
projects in Arduino. This is ultimately why I changed the attiny to the atmega.
*Writing this
out, I realize it's not completely logical - my apologies!*
After speaking to numerous TAs it seemed the problem lied in arduino IDE not being able to
clearly identify the processor and what clock it was using. There are no preset boards (that
I could find that also worked) for a "naked" atmega chip. Even when I added an 8MHz clock, the
board refused to be programmed even though there is a preset board option for that in Arduino
*update : it turns out the atmel ice on my mac osx was also an issue in not allowing me
to program my board via arduino ide - see more below*
Finally Diego suggested making a fabduino, he said it was a turning for him when he
took the class in 2014. From my understanding, an fabduino / diy arduino would allow you to
easily, quickly, flexible interchange parts - inputs and outputs, vs necessarily making
brand new boards designed to do very specific things...
So, having said that, I hoped that my fabduino would allow me to correct my failed step-response
from last week and then I would try to hook up the motor I got working in
WEEK 07.
Maybe I could even control the motor with the input via just one board - the arduino.