Work Progress

After the heavy work last week, this week is intended to be relaxing, but I hope to give myself more time to learn a programming language from scratch, so my schedule is also very tight. I spent most of my time reading introductory C# programming books and watching unity and c# tutorials. (You can easily find a lot of resources on Lynda) I am interested in game development; originally, I hoped to work on an AR project, but my computer did not have a camera, neither it is a Mac computer that is able to make an IOS AR app, which I think I would be enjoy most(my phone is not android, so it would be hard for me to see the game delivery on mobile devices). I ended up with making a simple unity game. One of my delivery this week is this webGL game that simulates the behavior of different agents in an imagined urban enviornment. The game was inspired by SimCity and Blockhood, an Architecture, ecology and human behavior simulation game developed by Jose Sanchez (an architect, programmer, and game Designer based in Los Angeles. Assistant Professor at USC School of Architecture in Los Angeles).

Limited by my programming skills and time, I could only make a very rough game demo.

  • Note1: before placing the agents, slide the agentsize and size slider to initiate, or the game will not respond to your request.
  • Note2:This is a work-in-progress game, so obviously, really rough. If players encounter any unexpected bugs while playing (e.g, can’t drag things around), click on the restart button to reload the scene.

  • Or Find the game at this link

    Game description:
  • In this simulation game, agents with different colors represent different roles they play in the city and different behavior patterns they will carry out. There are random walkers, where they walk around in a given area; there are tourists, who follow water fountain in the center and monuments on the edge. (When you drag these blocks, tourists will follow as well) there were also determined workers, who are planters and tend to walk around trees; and yourself who followed your click.

  • Players can also place objects in the interface, and then drag and drop these blocks to form a new urban landscape. The types of blocks that can be placed include park, construction site, fountain, building block, pedestrian and plants. According to the position you place, the behavior mode of the agent will change accordingly.

  • Here is a list of code in the game:
  • LightAdjuster
  • kerf

  • AgentControl
  • kerf

  • MouseDrag
  • kerf

  • RandomWalker
  • kerf

  • Restart
  • kerf

  • Spawn
  • kerf

  • SpawnOnClick
  • kerf

  • Wander
  • kerf

    Because I also have some previous experiences on processing, I made a quick review on it, the following swarm simulation is another output for this week. The model is based on one of my previous projects.