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Brainstorming of Possible Features
Electronic juggling balls that:
- Detect catches and 🆕 peaks
- Light-up, supporting: (1) a variety of colors and (2) color patterns (flashing, solid) that respond to catches and peaks
- (Stretch) 🆕 Piezo buzzer that responds to catches and peaks
- (Stretch) Detect siteswap pattern changes 🆕 on-board
- (Stretch) 🆕 Speaker w/ pre-recorded effects (e.g. say "Juggle Me!" when idle, play music while pattern going)
- (Stretch) Can be re-programmed via Bluetooth
- (Stretch) Can transmit throws/catches via Bluetooth, for easy prototyping of interactions
- (Stretch) 🆕 Can be thrown between participants
- (Stretch) 🆕 Detect when they are held next to each other (as in when starting, two held in one hand)
- (Stretch) 🆕 Light up which ball should be thrown next
- (Stretch) 🆕 Can be used as an interface for VR or AR juggling
- (Stretch) Intelligently count throws/catches, some effect when a new high score (personal best) is reached
Notes from Talking with Jiri
- Radio - wifi, BT / BTLE (pros - phone connection), 2.4ghz (e.g. NRF24l01) - maybe easier - open spaces (can reach 1km)
- Arduino vs. others? Arduino bootloader
- Processor - better to pick something more powerful ATMEGA (e.g. ATMEGA328P-AU-ND), more memory might help
- Power - lithium polymer batteries (over-charging can explode - discharge too much, destroys it). Re-chargable
- Charger - plug in USB to charge
- Accelerometer - acceleration - linear motion
- Gyroscope - velocity - rotational
- Accelerometer + gyro - fusion with Kalman filter
- IMUs - do the combination
- LSM6DS33TR is an option, or there might be a sensor that does the fusion on-board
- AltIMU-10 v5 produces absolute rotation
- Probably start with accelerometer, catches
- Take absolute value of the vector (ignore orientation) - 9-10 when holding, throw it (small peak), 0, catch (some peak), then 9
- Gyro - twist to force some change
Notes from Talking with Neil During Class Review
- Hall effect sensor - Magnetometer - could be useful for distance (up/down), touch or not
- 5 hall sensors - VG joystick
- Round Fabduino:
- 3D accelerometer - i2C protocol
- ADXL343 - reflow
- solder paste or tin board
- 6DOF:
Power Management
Battery Capacity and Type
I started out by calculating the power requirements of the board and components I would be using.
According to this site, the ESP32-WROOM consumes about 50 mA in the mode I would be using it in.
It's possible the LEDs and accelerometers would increase the consumption past this, but I assumed the processor would be the bulk of power consumption.
By that calculation, a 100MaH battery will give us 2 hours of runtime, and a 400mAh would give 8 hours.
In testing with a single color LED and capacitive touch listening, I found that estimate to be roughly true -- 2000mAh battery resulted in around 18-20 hours of runtime.
I'm starting development with a 2000mAh battery, and hopefully the JST connectors will make it easy to play with different sizes.
Jiri warned me that lithium polymer batteries can explode when over-charged, and if discharging too much, they can be destroyed.
Handling Recharging
Since the board and battery will be inside balls, ideally we could recharge the battery through a single cable entry point.
At Micro Center I came across the Adafruit PowerBoost 500 Charger that takes a USB Type-B cable and provides consistent 5 volt power to a board: