About Me


I'm a double MSc. student in System Design & Management and Course 6 (Electrical Engineering & Computer Science). I'm also a SERC Scholar at the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing. My interests lie at the intersection of art, technology, and culture - specifically, machine learning, data visualization, and art.

I am part of the CSAIL Visualization Group, advised by Arvind Satyanarayan, exploring how we can use computer vision and natural language processing to improve the accessibility of data visualizations for the visually impaired. Concurrently, I am also part of the TangiBel Soundscapes team working with the Fluid Interfaces Group at MIT Media Lab. Prior to this, I was part of the CSAIL HCI Engineering Group applying natural language processing to study long-tail delays in the development of crowdfunded hardware technology projects. Side interests in machine learning include real-time applications of Generative Adversarial Networks and assembling Knowledge Graph systems to provide structure to largely-unstructured data.

Prior to MIT, I worked for seven years at a large internet infrastructure company, primarily as a data scientist, in functional areas spanning cybersecurity, network deployment, and process improvement for planetary-scale networks. My contributions have included spearheading the company's use of state-of-the-art machine learning in clustering security incidents using natural language processing, applying large-scale data engineering to security incident response, establishing core processes and key infrastructure for data science operations, and realized cost savings in the $X00,000's range.

I have also previously served as a Production Lead for the Together Boston music festival and an Audio Engineer for the venerable Make it New, one of the longest-running house and techno electronic music events in the United States.