3D scanning and printing
design and 3D print an object.
3D Printing
This week, firstly, I tried to design and 3D print an object (small, few cm3, limited by printer time) that could not be made subtractively.
When modeling with rhino software, I like to draw a sketch and then embed the sketch into the rhino software. I tend to think about what I'm going to build before I model it.
Rhino modeling
Then I used rhino software do the 3D modeling. The image shows three views and the rendering of the model.
Gcode generation
Then I used the Formlabs Software to slice the 3D model, generate gcode and do 3D printing setup.

Light Curing Printing
After gaining the gcode, I used light curing printer Formlabs to print the model.
Clean and Drying
Compared with PLA-based prinitng, light curing priniting needs additional clean and drying, as figure shown.

Final 3D model
This is my rabbit!