Final Project Tracker
Concept ~ actuated surfaces
The 3D printing exercise inspired me to reconsider my final project idea. I have been interested in exploring friction
as a design parameter: I think it could be interesting to develop a surface with actuatable/modulatable texture ~ like a smart velcro:
a surface that could go from having adhesive properties to non-adhesive. The final project 'object' should explore this concept e.g. perhaps in the
form of a reconfigurable/self-assembling robot (i.e. the surfaces can adhere and release in a programmable manner, thus rearranging themselves).
Since I will definitely need a compact actuator of some kind, I have ordered a
small high-gear 6V motor from Pololu, and motor-driver from Pololu.
Next, I will develop some detailed designs of the different velcro concepts so that I can make some quick prototypes over the coming weeks.
I think bi-stability will be an interesting concept to explore as a way of minimising the power requirements of the actuation (i.e. using a motor only as a way to
'toggle' between two stable states, by overcoming some activataion energy, e.g. a spring or the elasticity of a compliant material). While googling bistability, I found
some interestnig papers in the field of metamaterials, describing geometries that can be reconfigured into different stable states.
Twist-tie experiments
Translation motor-to-surface
To translate the rotary motion of the motor into vertical displacements, I was thinking it could be cool to use a helical kirigami pattern like the one described here.
I did some tests with a plastic sheet I had purchased from Blick (probably poloyproylene?), but will have to see if I can find a similar material that is suitable for laser-cutting/3D printing.
Electronics and communication
I based my motor driver circuit off of Neil's design
using the TB67H451A H-bridge. My final board incorporates headers to attach an NRF24L01 radio board and even a few thru-holes (to account for places I couldn't route
my out of - i.e. I will attach jumpers here for +5V and +3.3V). I have also incorporated a square cutout underneath the Xiao, to allow a battery to be connected from below.
Sending serial commands to one of the modules, which will act as the controller to send wireless commands
to the other peripheral modules. More details: interface week and networking week.
Mechanical explorations
Twist-tie velcro release.
Prototyping an actuated surface on an alternative version of the module frame.
Testing of the motor.
The idea is to have a module that can allow for the prototyping and actuation of many tpes of surfaces. Everything mounts on the PCB and I placed components with mechanical
flexibility in mind: e.g. the micro-motor can be mounted either vertically or horizontally oriented and allow attachments are reversible snap-fits (provided the 3D prints don't break).