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I am a third year graduate student pursuing my Masters in Architecture at Harvard's Graduate School of Design. I'm interested in lots of things which is generally why I'm attracted to a class like this but maybe to be a bit more specific about my orientation I'd say my research interests are more around questions like why do we make almost anything, what does it mean for us to make a thing, and how do the things we make in turn make us?

Final Project Development Popup Image

Week 0: Computer-Aided Design   Popup Image 

Week 1: Computer-Controlled Cutting   Popup Image 

Week 2: Embedded Programming   Popup Image 
Week 3: 3D Printing and Scanning   Popup Image 
Week 4: Electronics Design   Popup Image 

Week 5: Electronics Production   Popup Image 

Week 6: Molding and Casting   Popup Image 

Week 7: CNC   Popup Image 

Week 8: Input Devices   Popup Image 

Week 9: Output Devices   Popup Image 

Week 10: Networking and Communication   Popup Image 

Week 11: Interface and Application Programming   Popup Image 

Week 12: Machine Design   Popup Image 

Week 13: Wildcard Week   Popup Image 
