PCB fabrication and stuffing |
For this assignment I treid to explore the 3 methods for a PCB fabrication, milling a PCB with the modela , Vinyl cutting and Etching. I have a complete debugged and programmed board from milling, and a half stuffed etched board. |
PCB fabrication: Milling
We used both the Modela and the Mantis for milling. The Mantis was about 3 times faster than the modela.
one tip for the Modela: clean the main board on which you are going to place your board on
At first soldering was a little bit difficult. by time and after learning the right techinque, it was really fun. |

Vinyl cutting
I started by following the instructions. I faced some trouble cutting at first. so parts tore while the blade was moving. I tried to change teh speed and force, but this wlways happened.
After that, we tried to change the blade, and it worked, apparently it was old and not sharp enough.
Using two tweezers for weeding +sheering really helped to get a clean circuit. |