Contact Info
Phil Salesses MIT Media Lab 75 Amherst Street BT Laboratory | E14-348D Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: (703) 4477503 Email: phil at philsalesses.comContact Form
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Technical Notes
First, if you're aren't using Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Google Chrome, you should immediately stop what you are doing and go download a new browser. Not only will this site look amazing, you'll also have a better browsing experience when things just behave properly. (This site uses CSS3 selectors and properties that only these browsers support).
If you have a slower connection or an older computer, the pages of this site may seem to 'change fonts' and you may see scroll bars around an image on the front page temporarily. The font issue is caused by a technology called cufón, used to display beautiful fonts that your computer may not have. The scroll bars are caused by a your browsers poor javascript performance, so again, please update your browser. Both of these issues are not a problem for most modern computers.
I would like to thank Erik Ford and David Belgrave from wearepixel8 for helping put together a mean site. I was in a time crunch and they helped me develop parts of this site. I would also like to thank Katja Schechtner for being an amazing mentor and a great friend.
This site took me a long time to make. Please don't borrow anything without a link back.