Scrap Lamp

Zhe Huang also created a marvelous scrap lamp. His was weaved by hand and no doubt took many hours to create.
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“A scrap light’s lively play on light and shadow invigorates once lifeless materials”
I just quit my job to attend grad school. Which means I’m broke. Really broke. After moving in to my new apartment, I realized I was missing a few things and couldn’t afford to buy them new. One such item was a lamp. There are several lamps on the internet that are made of cardboard, all of which retail for greater than $400. After taking a look at the lamp, I figured it’s probably not that difficult to make. I was right.
All you have to do is create a set of rings and rotate the notches inside the lamp by 6 degrees. That way the lamp will have a smooth gradient. Then line up the notches and run a long piece of cardboard down the inside to hold it together. I used a .150 inch spacing for the notches in the inside of the rings. When assembled, I can place many different lights inside, however I’m going to opt for a fluorescent bulb running the height of the lamp.